2013 Party In The Park Benefiting "The One, Inc"
Saturday August 31, 2013 North Shore Park, NLR
Gates open from 2pm-11pm
$15/Advance-$20/Day of Show

The One, Inc
The One, Inc is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to meeting the needs of the homeless population and/or impoverished neighbors across the nation. Their overall mission is to fill the gaps that prevent these individuals from living independent lives of their own. They meet these needs by visiting current homeless camps, searching for new camps, checking under bridges, and leaving their doors open to anyone and everyone in need of help. They provide everything from food and water to clothing and hygiene products. The most important part about what The One, Inc strives to create is relationships with the members of the homeless population. In this way they can break through barriers and help find employment opportunities and housing for these members. We are very excited about the opportunity to partner with The One, Inc and lend a hand in the form of music, entertainment, and sense of hope that so many of the members of the homeless population need to break through these barriers. As well as provide a platform for our local artist to really showcase their own talents and provide a fun filled day for everyone to enjoy!
Please visit www.theoneinc.org for more information

Sponsorship opportunities are available. Please contact Justin Owens at justin@verse8.com or Patrick Hughes at tpatrick1967@yahoo.com for sponsorship packets and information.

Presented By
(Across from Dickey Stephens)